Monday, November 13, 2017

Previewing - Part 3 - Unit 1

Whit is previewing?

Previewing is when you look at something quickly before you read it. You preview when you want to get information. 

Previewing is a common skill in daily life. You can preview material. for example:

  • newspaper by reading the headlines
  • a letter buy looking at the envelope
  • a new book by reading the front and back.
Why Preview?

Previewing can help you make decisions. It can help you  decide:

  • which articles to read in the newspaper
  • whether to open the letter( it might be junk mail you would throw away).
  • if the book is interesting, and if you want to read it.
in the same way, previewing can help you with your reading. When you preview a passage, you get some ideas about it. this way, your brain is already thinking about the topic when you start reading. You can understand better and read faster.

Preview can help you with all of your reading. It is particularly helpful at school, for reading assignments for tests. 

How Do You Preview? 

when you preview, you ask yourself questions about the passage.

the questions you ask depends on many things: what you are reading, why you are reading, and what you need to find out.

Some of the common previewing questions:

  • What is it?
  • Who wrote it and who is it for?
  • what is it about?
  • How long is it?
  • Is it difficult or easy to read?
  • Is it  interesting or useful?
  • What will come next?

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