Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Part 4: Reading Faster

Why read faster?

  • You can read more in less time
  • you can understand better
  • You will improve your general knowledge of English
How to read faster?

1- Check your reading Habits
2- skip or guess unknown words
3- Practice reading faster by timing yourself

Guidelines for reading Faster

Follow these for timed readings:

1- Use a timer before you start.
2- Preview each passage before reading it
3- Read the passage and then write down the exact time you finish.
4- Answer the questions without looking back at the passage. Then check your answers
5- Read the passage again. Look for the answers to the questions, especially the ones you answered incorrectly.
6- Find your reading time and your reading rate.
7- Write your reading rate and your comprehension score and the number of correct answer in the progress charts.
8- After reading 4 or 5 passages, check your progress. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Part 3 : Unit 7 Thinking in English - pages 205 - 219


When you read in English , you are thinking about what will come next? Good readers think when they are reading. 

They are thinking ahead. That is, they are thinking about the ideas, and about what might come next. If they think about what will come next, their eyes move ahead quickly.

 In fact, good readers don't have to focus on each word for long. A quick look is enough. 

Thinking in English while reading  is using the skills and strategies and patterns you learned in English to understand the text. Thinking in English helps you read faster and understand quicker. 

Thinking in English is process that require practice and it does not happen over night. Remember, translating every thing that you read  into your own language first can slow your reading. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Vocabulary Building pages 149 and 161 and 183

word family
 is a group of words with the same root.

They belong to the same family of meaning, but they are different part of speech.

EXERCISE 12 page 149

EXERCISE 12 - page 161

EXERCISE 16 page 183

Word Family

Links and Contents

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Part 3: Unit 6 Identifying The Pattern pages 184 -204

التعرف على انماط ( أساليب) الكتابة الشائعة

 What is a Pattern ?

It's a regular way that something is organized or done. 

Many things around us are organized into patterns in some way. In fact, people usually prefer things to be organized. 

 There are patterns in English writing, too. When you are reading in English, you should look for the pattern. It will help you understand and remember the ideas. In this unit you will learn four common patterns in English Writing. 

Common Patterns in Writing

1- The listing Pattern
2- The sequence Pattern
3- The Comparison Pattern
4- The Cause/Effect Pattern

Part 3: Unit 5 Understanding Paragraph pages 162- 183

1- What is a Paragraph?

A paragraph is a group of sentences that are all about one thing. 

- Writers often put the topic in the first sentence.
- The topic is usually repeated several times in the paragraph

2- Topics of Paragraphs:

In English, most paragraphs ( and longer passages ) have a topic. The topic of a paragraph tells what the paragraph is about. When you are reading , you should always look for the topic. If you know the topic will understand better. 

Writing the topic of a paragraph:

- The topic should tell what the paragraph is about.
- It shouldn't be too general or specific.

3- Main Ideas in a Paragraph:

The main idea is the writer's idea about  the topic. The main idea gives you a more complete understanding of the topic. When you are reading, you should first find the topic. Then ask yourself, "What does the writer want to say about the topic?"

Writing the main idea of a paragraph:

The first sentence in a paragraph often, but not always, includes the main idea. You may need to use parts of several sentences to write the main idea. 

When you write the main idea of a paragraph , it should:

- tell the writer's idea about the topic
- be general enough  for all the ideas and information in the paragraph
- not refer to idea or information that are not in the paragraph

4- Finding supporting Facts and ideas:

- A paragraph also includes facts and ideas that support ( explain or relates to) the main idea. They help make the write's ideas stronger and clearer. Supporting facts and ideas can be examples of something or parts of an explanation.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Part 3: Unit 4 Focusing on the topic - pages 150-162

What is a topic?

A topic is a word or phrase that tell what something is about.

The topic is important in written English. Writers think about the topic as they are writing, and their ideas follow from that topic. If you want to understand the ideas, you must start by looking for the topic.